Laser marking, laser engraving and laser cutting of MDF

Medium density fibreboard– wood at its best •The surfaces remain crack-free and do not show signs of bruise by clamping •Smooth and precise cutting edges •High repeatability and accuracy •Freely selectable contours •No chips, therefore no cleaning of the machine surrounding necessary

Laser engraving and cutting of leather, or rather synthetic leather

Contactless cutting with laser technology •Precise and very filigreed cuts •No leather deformation by stress-free material supply •Clear cutting edges without fraying •Melding of cutting edges regarding synthetic leather, thus no works before and after material processing •No tool wear by contactless laser processing •Constant cutting quality By using mechanic tools (knife-cutter), the cutting of […]

Laser marking, laser engraving and laser cutting of plastics

•Precisely fitting laser cutting of plastic especially of printed materials due to optical recognition system •Polished cutting edges even in filigree contours without rework •No force impact on the material – therefore no mechanical stress of the material •Highest precision and great advantages in filigree cuttings, even smallest lot sizes can be produced economically •Processing […]

Laser marking and engraving of stone, granite, marble

CO2-laser for engravings and markings of stone •Marble and granite can be engraved or marked extremely well with CO2 lasers •Contactless laser processing, therefore no clamping or fixing necessary •No tool wear and no retooling in contrast to chiselling or milling •High level of repeatability with consistent quality •Extremely fine contours and details possible thanks […]

Finest colour engravings on metal

Even metal surfaces can now be engraved and marked with CO2 lasers thanks to a simple process. Typical fields of application include: Logos on products Unique, where fast, exact and flexible solutions are concerned. Design decorations Barcodes, serial numbers, … Product labels, type plates, … Quality marking of components High resolution – filigree Durable – […]

Laser marking, laser engraving and laser cutting of wood, natural wood, timber, lumber

Filigree cuts in wood – fast and clean with the laser •No chips, therefore no cleaning of the machine surrounding necessary •Laser cutting of extremely fine contours and practically radius-free inner contours •Contactless cutting, therefore no stressing or damaging of the material – no clamping necessary •Uneven materials can be easily processed without quality loss […]

Laser cutting and laser engraving of textiles/fabrics

Sharper than scissors •Precise and filigree cuts •No fabric distortion due to stress-free material feeding •Fusion of the cutting edges, no need for preparation or rework•Unlimited processing and forwarding of data from other system producers with flexible software packages •Automatic material feeding via a Conveyor System •Precisely fitting laser cutting especially of printed textiles due […]

Laser marking , laser engraving and laser cutting of paper, cardboard, paperboard

A material with a wide range of different applications •Even very low laser power can be used to cut paper perfectly •Cutting, engraving and marking of cardboards and paperboards in top quality •Cutting edges with none of the deformations that occur during punching, for example •No tool wear – no loss of quality •Accurate sample […]

Laser cutting, laser engraving and laser marking of plywood

High processing quality with laser cutting and engraving systems •Plywood is perfectly made for being cut and engraved with a laser system •Smooth und precise cutting edges •The surfaces remain crack-free and do not show signs of bruise by clamping •High repeatability and accuracy of fit for example for intarsias •Narrow cutting edges in the […]

Laser marking , laser engraving and laser cutting of PMMA, acrylics, Plexiglas®, Perspex®

Laser cutting, laser engraving and laser marking of PMMA, acrylics, Plexiglas®, PerspeMade for being processed with a laser •Acrylic glass can be perfectly cut, engraved and marked with CO2 lasers •Polished cutting edges even in filigree contours without rework •Both extruded and casted PMMA can be processed •Processing with protective foil possible •Chipless laser cutting […]

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