Machines for laser cutting and engrave of polycarbonate, Makrolon®, Lexan®

A popular synthetic – easily to process with the laser cutting system Precisely fitting laser cutting especially of printed materials due to optical recognition system No force impact on the material –therefore no mechanical stress of the material Highest precision and great advantages in filigree cuttings, even smallest lot sizes can be produced economically Most […]

Laser marking, laser cutting and laser engraving PETG, PET, VIVAK®

Clean and perfect cuts No forces acting on the material means no mechanical stresses No PET clamping or fixing necessary Perfectly accurate laser cutting, in particular for printed materials thanks to an optical recognition system No tool wear Open software structure (examples of file formats are dxf, ai, pdf) Highly cost-efficient production of even small […]

Laser marking, laser engraving and laser cutting of cork

Excellent contrasts thanks to laser engraving Laser cutting of extremely fine contours and practically radius-free inner edges Contactless processing, so the material is not stressed or damaged –no clamping necessary. No chipping waste Laser cutting and engraving of different material thicknesses and combinations in one work step Laser engraving that achieves good contrasts with a […]

Laser marking, laser engrving and laser cutting of veneer

Finest details by laser technology Clean and perfect cuts No chips, therefore no cleaning of the machine surrounding necessary Laser cutting of extremely fine contours and practically radius-free inner contours Contactless processing, so the material is not stressed or damaged –no clamping necessary High repeating accuracy at best quality No tool wear due to contactless […]

Laser cutting of aramid, polyamide

Aramid for maximum safety •Precise and filigree cuts •No fabric distortion due to stress-free material feeding •Unlimited processing and forwarding of data from other system producers with flexible software packages •Automatic material feeding via a Conveyor System •Precisely fitting laser cutting espesially of printed textiles due to optical recognition system

Glass fibre, fibreglass – laser marking & cutting – with CO2 lasers

Very high quality, mainly as a fibre-plastic compound No forces acting on the material – therefore no mechanical stressing Can be machined, also if uneven thanks to tactile focus material guidance Complete extraction and filtering of the cutting emissions possible Cutting of very different material thicknesses and combinations in a single step Fusing of the […]

Laser marking and laser engraving with CO2-laser of ceramics, porcelain, stoneware

Embellished by the laser beam Ceramic and porcelain are materials that can be engraved and marked well with CO2 lasers High level of repeatability with consistent quality Extremely high resolution of the laser engraving, laser marking of up to1200dpi Contactless laser processing, therefore no clamping or fixing necessary No tool wear and no retooling in […]

Laser marking and laser engraving of glass

Durable and clean engravings in next to no time •Precise and fast direct engravings without patterns •Round engravings possible •Contactless processing, therefore no tensions in the glass •No danger of breaking •Extremely fine contours and details possible •High repeating accuracy at best quality •No tool wear due to contactless laser processing

Laser marking, laser engraving and laser cutting of Multiplex

The allrounder in wood   No chips, therefore no cleaning of the machine surrounding necessary Contactless processing, therefore no stressing or damaging of the material – no clamping necessary Uneven materials can be easily processed without quality loss due to tactile focus tracking Laser cutting and laser engraving in one process step No tool wear […]

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